Twitter has quickly emerged onto the social media network scene as a great business tool to keep connected with your customers. Many companies are taking advantage of Twitter Social Media Marketing and its ability to help provide an engaging customer service experience for your followers. Quickly and easily post short, sharp messages into the social network using Twitters own website or one of the many associated apps on your mobile devices.
Twitter Social Media Marketing
“… keep connected to your customers”
All your posts are presented on your “followers” wall for not only them but their followers to see, which provides the benefit of a large exposure for your business. Twitter provides a platform for your business to show its personality and the fantastic staff behind it that makes the gears turn. It’s a less formal approach to a quarterly press release, and helps your business build the connection between staff and customers.
5150 Studios recommends at least tweeting 2-3 times a day at minimum to gain the most benefit out of this free service. We can also recommend some elegant ways to integrate Twitter back into your current website allowing clients and customers to “re-tweet” sections of your website for you.
“Integrates with your current website…”
This network provides a very personal approach to social media networking and polls have shown that users of Twitter are much more likely to purchase products recommended by friends and family who have a connection to your business. Think of it as online word of mouth advertising and this can be the driving force behind a successful business and a business yet to blossom.
Get in touch with our tweeting, bird calling Twitter specialists on 07 5547 5488 to learn how your business can start benefiting from Twitter. Be sure to follow our latest tips and tricks on Twitter @5150StudiosAus